2015 Reflections

everything is different quote

Okay, so I’ll just go ahead and say it. I’m personally not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. Not because I don’t think that they can be done, but because I’m more of an “everyday is an opportunity to be better” type person. If I want to improve something about myself then I can do it right then and there, regardless of what time of year it is.

Even though I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, one thing I do like to do at the end of each year is look back and reflect on things that happened during the year, including challenges, accomplishments, favorite moments, and things that I learned. As I reflect on the past year, I’m always amazed to see how much has really changed.

So today I’m sharing with you my 2015 Reflections. Feel free to take these questions and answer them on your own blog. I’d love to hear your answers!

2015 Reflections

Describe 2015 in One Word- Triumphant – It was a great year, full of joy, happiness, and accomplishments.

Your Theme Song This Year- “Virginia Bluebell” by Miranda Lambert is such a beautiful song and I feel like the lyrics are so empowering for young girls to believe in yourself and to show the world what you’re made of. Hands down one of my favorite songs by her, simply because of the words.

“Pretty little thing, sometimes you gotta look up, and let the world see all the beauty that you’re made of…”

Top 3 Things You Learned About Yourself-

a bird sitting on a tree quote

**photo credit

This year was a big year for me in terms of gaining more self-confidence and learning to believe in myself.

  1. I learned that I can do anything I want as long as I give it 100% my all
  2. I am more courageous and bold than I thought
  3. I am special, unique, and beautiful, and I truly want to help others see their own beauty

Top 3 Things You Learned From Others-

  1. Don’t let others steal your time
  2. Laughter is the best medicine
  3. Don’t ever let anyone else’s actions waiver your own personal values/beliefs

Greatest Accomplishment- Completing my Master’s Degree ๐Ÿ™‚

we did it elle woods giphy


Favorite Place You Visited- My Papaw’s farm has been and will always be one of my favorite places to visit. For me, I love going to the top of the mountains and just taking in all of the beauty that surrounds us.

Favorite Food Item- Lobster Mac n’ Cheese was probably the most heavenly thing I ate this year, even though with every bite I knew I was gaining 5 lbs-haha

Favorite Quote/Saying- My sweet Mamaw Beck, who was always like a second mom to me, always used to say “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” When I was a child, I always thought it was a funny saying, but now that I’m older the words and meaning really resonate with me in learning not to worry so much about what lies ahead. I tend to be a worrier by nature, but her saying helps remind me to take everything one day and step at a time.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it”

Funniest Moment- This baby video still cracks me up. Reminds me of my boys who are total pranksters!

YouTube video

Most Beautiful Moment- I just so happened to have a camera handy to snap this beautiful photo of my boys hugging in our kitchen. It was so sweet and genuine, and the fact that they are best friends literally melts my heart.


Best Gift Received- The most beautifully colored, hand-drawn note from my boys that said “I love you mom, you the best.”

I Am Most Grateful For– Love and Laughter

I hope that each of you have had a wonderful year and were able to accomplish whatever goals you set for yourself. Just remember that every day is an opportunity to be better than you were the day before. Take the time out to enjoy the little moments, laugh more, and celebrate this wonderful life you’ve been given.

Happy New Years Everyone!- Cara

Linking up on Wonderful Wednesday, Let’s Be Friends, and Ladies Collective Linkup


  1. Happy new year Cara and huge congratulations on getting your Master degree what a huge achievement. I love that photo of your babies hugging too xx

  2. Being able to love and accept yourself is a big thing to learn. Congrats on your Master’s! Hope 2016 is just as good to you!

  3. Congratulations on completing your Masters! That’s amazing! I am still working on completing my Bachelors degree and I can’t wait to finish :). Love the picture of your boys hugging, its so precious, I love when I find my kids hugging for no reason, so sweet!

    1. Thanks! I relate it to how we grow and change over a year. Like I’ll look at my little ones and on a day-to-day basis can’t see their changes that much, but when I look back at old pictures, I’m like wow they really have grown so much!Happy New Year!

  4. Mmmm, you can never go wrong with lobster mac and cheese ๐Ÿ™‚ Such a great year for you – congrats on the masters degree!! – and I cannot even wait to see what 2016 has in store! Cheers to a fabulous year!

  5. Cara, I am new to the blog. I enjoyed reading all your 2015 things. Congrats on the Masters by the way. I am not a resolution maker either, but goal setting is for me. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  6. “Triumphant” is such a wonderful word to use to describe your year! I don’t know that many felt that way about 2015 and yet so many of could probably find the triumphs.

    P.S. Congratulations on your Master’s degree! That is a wonderful achievement.

  7. That video cracks me up too m baby is 2 years old now and he play so many pracks all the best for you and your family

  8. I saw you posted this the other day and skimmed through it with every intention of coming back because I love your stuff! So now I am listening to the Virgina Bluebell song for the 3rd time now. I love it! You need to make a spotify playlist I can follow! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love resolutions because I do my personal ones on my bday at the end of October but we do family ones at the beginning of the year so that it’s measurable. But I will use any excuse to write down goals- oh it’s cinco de mayo? Let’s make some goals and have a taco! Haha

    1. Thank-you! I’m glad you like it! Resolutions are great as long as they are intentional. & you totally have to eat a taco on Cinco De Mayo-haha Happy New Year!

  9. What a sweet post! I love this idea. I’m also not a huge fan of new years resolutions because I know myself & I know they never last..I would rather just try to do better every day, like you said! happy new year! ๐Ÿ™‚ xox

  10. Sounds like a pretty amazing 2015! Congrats on completing your Master’s! That’s a huge accomplishment! And that shot of your boys hugging is so sweet and priceless. Love!

  11. I love this idea! Your boys are precious – we haven’t got to the draw-mom-a-picture stage yet, but I am anxiously waiting for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thanks! That’s all my 5 year old does right now is draw tons of pictures. The side of our refrigerator is full! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. It’s such a positive way to look at life – each day does give us an opportunity to do better! Congratulations on completing your Master’s, such a huge accomplishment. The picture of your boys is just the best. I get so sentimental when my boys are genuinely kind to each other. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank-you! I know, as moms it really does make you proud when they are sweet with each other. Happy New Year to you as well!

  13. Cara this was such a beautiful post! I’m grateful to have been blessed by your blog in 2015, I’ve definitely seen the beauty and love shine from you and pass along to others! I absolutely love the idea of improving a little every day and am a huge believer in it myself! Also, such a big congrats on completeing your masters, that is a huge accomplishment and such a proud moment! Happy Wednesday my gorgeous friend! XO -Kim

    1. Aw, thank-you! You’re so sweet and I’m happy to have met you through the blogging world ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy New Year!

  14. “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it” <– 100% agree. no point in worrying about something that hasn't happened yet because it's so important to enjoy the moment. happy new year!

  15. I absolutely love the idea of this post!!! I also am not one to make New Years resolutions. I find that if I have a goal or something I want to accomplish it I will do it and if not well that’s okay. I am constantly coming up with new ways to improve myself daily. Everyday is a learning experience. Congrats on getting your masters degree!! I am currently in the process of applying to get into grad school and I must say I am nervous. I am so glad that I found your blog! I can’t wait to see what 2016 has to bring for you.

    1. I completely agree- everyday is a learning experience. & thank-you! I’m sure you will get in, no problem ๐Ÿ™‚ and best of luck as you start!

  16. This is such a fun take on a New Years post ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the idea of reflecting BACK.. I hadn’t thought of that before!! ๐Ÿ™‚ CONGRATULATIONS on completing your Masters! I just started last semester, so I guess I’m excited about GETTING STARTED on my Masters in 2015 ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you have a wonderful 2016!

    1. Thank-you! Best of luck! I learned so much and met so many great people while doing my Master’s- it’s a great experience! Happy New Years!

  17. What a wonderful year! I totally agree about not making resolutions. I love how you did your year in review! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  18. Agreed on the new year’s resolutions and the philosophy behind why I don’t. Any day is a good day to make a change or improve.

    Happy New Year!

  19. What a great way to look back at 2015. Love your list. Congrats on being triumphant this year. What a fantastic year. Congrats on your masters.

  20. Oh Cara this is so beautiful! I’m with you on the resolution thing and this is such a wonderful way to pull all the goodness out of the year and take it with you!!!!

    1. Thank-you! I think it’s cool if people want to make resolutions, but I find it a little silly that we focus so much on the date of Jan 1. We can make goals anytime of the year and accomplish them.:)

  21. I love being able to look back and see the things I’ve accomplished. Still feels weird that were starting a new year. lol

  22. Ummm lobster mac and cheese? Sign me up for that! YUM. And seriously that pic of your boys hugging is the cutest!! Congrats on finishing your degree too! That’s an amazing accomplishment! You go girl!

    1. Thank-you so much! Yes, the lobster mac and cheese was amazing! Definitely not something I could eat everyday though in trying to keep my fitness in check-haha ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. So beautiful!! You are a wise lady and I think it’s so neat that you not only are reflecting on what you’ve learned but what you’ve learned from others as well! I hope that 2016 brings you even more beautiful moments! That picture of your boys hugging is truly one of the best! Happy new year gorgeous!!

  24. that pic of your babies hugging just melted me into a puddle of tears!! it is so precious!! i loved what you wrote about what you learned this year.lots of great advice and lessons! here’s to 2016!

    1. Thank-you! I’m thinking of getting it put onto a canvas, it’s so sweet. Cheers to that, and Happy New Year!

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