How is it Already November?

I can’t believe it’s already November. Seriously where has the time gone? Don’t get me wrong, I love Fall but it always seems like it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump before it’s Winter time, which I’m not really that big of a fan of anymore. It was cool when you got to have snow days from school, but unfortunately adults don’t really get snow days.



I knew it was just a matter of time before Blake and Gwen announced that they were dating. I noticed the flirtation between them weeks ago. Personally, I’m still sad that things didn’t work out between him and Miranda.



Did you all watch The Walking Dead this past weekend? I liked the episode and learning about the backstory on Morgan, but I wanted to find out what happened to Glenn. There are so many theories out there about whether or not he actually died. I just want to know already!



It has been in the mid 70’s all week long in Southwest Virginia and it’s absolutely gorgeous right now with all the leaves changing colors. I’ve really enjoyed being able to go outside with the boys in the evenings after school/work, minus a jacket.

Southwest Virginia Mountains-Big Stone Gap

This picture was taken last week in Big Stone Gap, Virginia from the overlook. Speaking of Big Stone Gap, if you haven’t yet watched the movie or read the book, I highly recommend it. The author, Adriana Trigiani, grew up here and it’s really cool for us Southwest Virginian’s to see our beautiful mountains be brought to the big screen. You can read more about the author and story here.


I’ve already listened to this at least 800 times and memorized the words. Adele is seriously one of my favorite artists and one of the top vocalists out there, in my opinion.



Saw this on the Internet the other day and I think it will be a fun activity to do with the kids each year. Anytime a craft involves paint, my kids are all about it. Unfortunately for me, the paint usually ends up everywhere but the paper we are trying to put it on. Do you have any yearly traditions you do for Thanksgiving with your family?

Happy November Y’all!


Today I’m linking up with Kristin for Stuff, Things, etc. Be sure and check out her blog and the other awesome bloggers in the linkup!

Kristin's kNook


  1. Love Adele, still haven’t heard her song entirely, I always get interrupted.

    And I cannot believe Miranda and Blake are getting divorced. I really remember the time that she and Blake sang “Over You” and just being so in awe at that. And now he’s dating Gwen???

    liz @ sundays with sophie

    1. Hi Liz! Thanks for visiting my blog! I definitely recommend for you to listen to the full Adele song (even though it’s pretty long). She just has such a beautiful,eerie voice. And I agree about Blake/Miranda. When I heard that they were getting a divorce I immediately thought about the song “God Gave Me You” where she’s in the first part of the video talking about them getting married. I mean do you just edit that out? It would be a little awkward for either of them to watch it now, for sure. I look forward to keeping up with your posts and hope that you’ll follow along with me ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Beautiful photo of Virginia! I hate that Blake + Gwen are dating, the fact that they were both married and then got divorced after meeting on the Voice just makes me sad about their marriages. Of course I have no idea what the full stories are, but on the surface it’s weird!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Caitlin! I agree it is sad (Hollywood or not) to see couples’ marriages end. On the surface it seemed like Blake and Miranda were a good fit for each other, but I’m sure there’s more to the story. Have you ever visited Southwest Virginia?

  3. OH man snow days, man do I wish I worked in schools during the winter. Our kids get out for rain sometimes and it’s like SERIOUSLY!?! It wouldn’t be so bad but there are ALWAYS those teachers that brag about snow days just to feel high and mighty, whatever.

    Super cute craft idea, lady! Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

    1. Haha, I know right! Our schools are similar in closing when it’s just flurrying, then they end up having to go until mid June. Thanks for commenting! ๐Ÿ™‚

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