Pink Ombre Valentine’s Day Mason Jar Vases (D-I-Y)

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Hey Everyone! Hope you had a wonderful, long weekend and that your week is off to a great start. If you’re lucky, maybe you even have today off! ๐Ÿ™‚

I had last Friday off and was able to enjoy a fun Mommy and son date with my youngest. It’s very rare that I get to spend one-on-one time with either of my boys, so it was a lot of fun.

Saturday I got to see one of my best friends and her sweet bundle of joy who is only 6 weeks old. It was so surreal holding a tiny baby in my arms again and it definitely brought back precious memories of when my boys were first born.

Sunday, the family went out for lunch and shopped around for some crafts for the kids. We bought the supplies for a homemade volcano, and I must say it was a great success. The boys loved seeing the volcano erupt.

The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing with my hubs and just enjoying the weekend off from work together. We don’t get very many weekends where we are both off, so it was definitely a nice, little treat.

Now that Christmas is over and I had to put away my DIY Mini Christmas Trees, I needed to figure out something cute to spruce up my table for Valentine’s Day.

Fortunately, I had a bunch of mason jars sitting in my craft stash that were calling my name, so of course I went to Pinterest to gather some inspiration. In the end, I decided upon a pink ombre look for my jars, as I think the ombre look is so gorgeous!

Let’s Get Started!

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Pink Ombre Valentine’s Day Mason Jar Vases (D-I-Y)

Supplies Used: 

  • 3 Ball Mason Jars (Purchased in 12 pk for $9.99, Wal-mart)- $2.50
  • Foam Brushes (Wal-mart)- $0.97
  • Acrylic Paint in Pink Parfait, Pink Eraser, Fuschia, Diva Pink, and Magenta ($0.50 each, Wal-mart)- $2.50
  • Heart Sticker Embellishments (Target)- $1.00
  • Twine Ribbon (Dollar Tree, Pack of 3)- $1.00
  • White Roses (Dollar Tree, $1 each)- $3.00

Total Cost= $10.97

Step 1: Establish a color pattern with the paint colors chosen, and pour out a little bit of each paint color onto a paper plate.

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Step 2: Beginning with the first color, lightly dab the paint onto the jar with a foam brush. Continue applying paint until all three jars have evenly applied lines.

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Step 3: Apply second color right below the first paint color applied, being careful to not mix the two.

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Step 4: Continue the process of applying each paint color, until you have reached the bottom of the jar.

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Step 5: Apply an additional 1-2 coats for each jar. When applying final coat, ensure that you “blur” the lines between each paint color to give the jars a softer, ombre look. I did this by taking the lesser stiff side of the foam brush and delicately sponging the paint towards the edge of each line.

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Step 6: Once jars have fully dried, insert white roses into each jar. Embellish with heart stickers and tie red twine ribbon into a bow below the rim.

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars (D-I-Y)

I really love how these turned out and I think they are so pretty! Even my husband complimented them and said they looked very nice! ๐Ÿ™‚

Although I made these for the purpose of Valentine’s Day, you could easily switch up the colors and embellishments and use them for other holidays/special occasions. Do you have a favorite way that you decorate mason jars?

Hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial and I hope you have a great week ahead! If you loved today’s craft, be sure and “Pin It” so you can make it later ๐Ÿ˜‰

Pink Ombre Valentine's Day Mason Jars DIY

Thanks for stopping by! -Cara

Linking up on Inspiration Monday, Inspire Me MondayCreative Mondays, Busy Monday, Merry Monday, Amaze Me MondayTotally Terrific Tuesday, Create, Link, Inspire, You’re Gonna Love It Tuesday, and Tutorials & Tips !


  1. I love that the heart embellishments kind of look like a wax seal. Gives the jars a vintage romance look. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!

  2. These came out perfect!!!! I love them!! I’m currently working on baby shower ideas, so I’m thinking I’ll have to try a variation of these!! I can’t believe you freehanded those stripes girlie!!

    1. Thank-you! Aw, that would look so cute for a baby shower, you could do cute little pastel colors depending on the gender. It’s actually very simple ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I love this project. So doable and it looks really pretty on your table. I’m a big fan of the Dollar Tree’s silk flower/berry selection and these white roses are perfect.

  4. These are too cute – they would be the perfect centerpiece! I can’t believe it’s almost time for this fabulous time of the year again!

  5. These are so fun! And so easy, too! I don’t have ANY Valentines decor so I think it’s time to change that ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I know what you mean, but I find it hard to resist the pink and hearts for Valentine’s day. Thank-you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. These are so cute! I have been wanting to try out painting mason jars but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Maybe Valentine’s Day should be the occasion!

    1. Thank-you! It was really easy using the foam brushes and a lot less time consuming than other methods. Hope you enjoy making your own ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Girl you are so creative! Those are gorgeous. Also, the volcano sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait until Ben is big enough to enjoy that kind of stuff. You guys always have a fun time. Hope the week goes well!

    1. Thank-you! & he will love it when he gets a little older! It’s amazing how much fun you can have with a little bit of vinegar and baking soda. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I love these Cara!! They are perfect for Valentine’s Day! Really simple but adorable! I will have to try to make some of these!

  9. These are soooo cute! I don’t decorate so much for Vday anymore..but I may do these because I can put them in Harper’s room then with some flowers the rest of the year since it would match her decor! Great idea-love it! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank-you! Normally I’m always late to the ball game on decorating for V-day, but I figured I would decorate early this year to enjoy all the pink colors ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank-you! I’m a bit of a pink fanatic so it was actually pretty fun to see how many shades they had at the store, which was a lot haha.

  10. Yay for a mommy-son date on Friday! These jars are so cute! I always want to paint mason jars but I worry that the paint will scrape off easily. Does it? Is there a trick to get it to stay put? Also, I can’t believe those roses are from the Dollar Tree! I don’t know why, but I just never stop there. It’s a little out of our way to get to I guess. I need to make a point to visit soon because I always hear of such great things for such a steal!

    1. Thank-you! You can always apply a clear coat of sealant to it if you want extra protection. They make it in either acrylic paint or you can get the spray paint kind which is really easy to just spray on. And Dollar Tree has an excellent selection of flowers. Mine’s only 10 mins away from my house, so I probably make way too many trips there-haha. Have a great day!

  11. Oh Cara, these are so adorable!! Just love the pinks and I love the set of the three together!! Beautiful idea from a beautiful gal!!

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