Things Inspiring Me Lately

be inspired

Hey Everyone! How’s it going? Life for me lately has been a non-stop roller coaster ride where I keep thinking the ride is almost over, but then the ride operator comes over the intercom and says “do-over”!  And I don’t even like roller coasters, ya’ll.

The dynamics at my workplace have definitely changed as my supervisor resigned and as his side-kick, I’ve been left picking up a good portion of the slack for a few weeks now. To say it’s been rough would be an understatement, but thankfully last week our board hired an Interim to help with things, so a weight has definitely been lifted. Also, this person will hopefully be helping resolve some of the internal issues (aka horrible co-worker) so praying hard that everything will get worked out soon.

Anyhow, because life has been so crazy busy I haven’t had a ton of free time to dedicate to writing blog posts here lately, so in lieu of an awesome how-to post, I’m going to share some quotes that have really been keeping me motivated/inspired here lately. Hopefully something I share today inspires you as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

Things Inspiring Me Lately…

something good in everyday

To Find the Good In Every Day

don't doubt

To Stop Doubting

To Be Confident

To Be More Confident

don't wish, do

To Stop Wishing and Start Doing


To Have Courage

sometimes you win, sometimes you learn

To Remember It’s About What You Learn

focus on present

To Focus on the Here and Now

Hope you enjoyed today’s post, and in case you aren’t already, follow along with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Bloglovin!

What’s something that’s inspired you lately?

Happy Wednesday!- Cara

  Linking up with  Wonderful Wednesday, Pin Worthy Wednesday, Wow Me Wednesday, Ladies Collective LinkupThursday Favorite Things, and Think Tank Thursday


  1. These are great inspiration. I am definitely bookmarking and Bloglovin. I had office days like the one you described. Working my way out to be my own boss. Tired of the rat race and the robot lifestyle. Keep the inspiration going for all. Positivity leads to prosperity.

  2. Yay for getting help!! I know it can be hard when people leave – you always worry that people will see that they can just give you more instead of quickly working to replace someone. Glad that things are looking up for you!! Love these quotes!!

  3. i hear you on the work part!!! it’s been so crazy at my office that i’ve had to leave blogging in the back-burner!

    1. It’s hard balancing it all, especially when you have so much on your plate. Hope things settle for you soon!

  4. Cara — thanks for all of these amazing reminders that life is a journey and you have to just keep going! I love this!

  5. Love the “something good in every day quote” so true and so important to appreciate the little things ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Ahh these are beautiful, sometimes you just need a bit of inspiration to keep you going don’t you. Hope it gets a bit easier for you soon.

  7. Thinking of you, I know how stressful work can get…I think we’ve all been there. Just think, one day at a time and there’s only so much you can do! I love all your positive inspiration. Beautiful quotes!

    1. Thank-you Emelia! That’s just what I needed to hear because there truly is only so much you can do in a day’s time. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I absolutely love this post! Inspiring others is the best feeling. I hope your roller coaster slows down soon ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I hope works calms down for you soon, nice to see that some of the weight has been lifted by your Board hiring in an interim relief person. The quotes are motivating and uplifting – I can see why you love them!

  10. Such great quotes! The wish and courage ones really spoke to me. Praying things get better at your job.

  11. I know exactly what you mean when you say things have been crazy because things have been crazy for me too! I’ve come to a point where I only blog once a week that way I don’t burn myself out.

    1. It’s so hard balancing everything sometimes that I think you are right it’s better to focus on quality over quantity. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Wow I love this post! Those are some great quotes! I think we are always too busy comparing ourselves to others rather than being happy with our own lives.

    1. Thank-you! I agree Annie, if we all focused more on just the here and now and the present in our own lives, we would be much happier souls.

  13. All great inspiring quotes! I have been where you are when it comes to work and it sucks. It’s never fun having negative energy or having to pick up the slack of others. I hope that things get better for you really soon!

  14. These are awesome inspirational quotes! Sometimes life gets so crazy and hard and it feels like it is impossible to not just sit down and let it all pass us by. Hopefully things get better for you at work soon!

  15. Oh no sorry to hear about the work issues, I’m going back soon and not looking forward to office politics & yes horrible co-workers are the worst!! These are all amazing quotes and great reminders, I really love the last one about living in the present!

  16. I hope things at work calm down for you soon! I can never get enough inspirational quotes.. I’m searching for a few to print and make a gallery wall

  17. These are beautiful quotes. I totally agree with you on the rollercoaster thing… except I like to equate life to being more of an amusement park? Sometimes you get stuck on the same roller coaster, sometimes you get to go grab ice cream. Changes at work are never the best when they happen, but hopefully the situation will improve with this new person.

    Sending love and light.
    xo Chelsea

  18. Really great reminders! It’s so easy for me to get wrapped up and almost buried in the daily work, parenting, house, etc that it’s so refreshing to see a few inspiring reminders to slow down and be at peace ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. That’s so true Liz! Sometimes our day to day lives can consume us if we let them but its important to slow down and focus on relaxing sometimes.

  19. I hope things get better at work for you! these are great quotes to keep you going. I love it.

  20. Thanks for sharing all of the quotes! They’re all encouraging in their own way, and I needed some inspiration. I do hope things get better for you at work.

  21. I’m glad there is relief on the horizon for you! Thanks for the uplifting quotes. My favorite was “Admire someone elses beauty without questioning your own.” Spot on.

  22. Awesome quotes! I’ve always loved the one about admiring someone else’s beauty and the picture of the two birds ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Wish / do speaks to me.

    Things have been crazy here too. I hope it slows down for you, and me, and everyone! ha.

    1. Thank-you! Haha- some days I seriously feel like I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if things weren’t hectic/crazy, but definitely hoping things slow down soon for all of us ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. OH man I feel you on the work thing, that happened to me and then I got shingles from the stress of it all! Well among other things, but I think that is what triggered it. Glad that they finally got someone in to help you. Loving all of these quotes!

  25. I hope work becomes less stressful now that you have an interim coming. Thanks for sharing the quotes! I always love seeing what’s inspiring people. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Aw Cara, I love this post! Definitely inspiring for everyone. Sorry you’ve been dealing with all of that at work. Bad co-workers can definitely be toxic, plus all the extra work! Thinking of you, and thanks for the encouraging words.

  27. I love these! I can only imagine what you have been going through at work. I used to work for a place that was beyond hectic. I had to keep reminding myself to cherish the small good things, because it was the only thing to get me through the day. I hope it gets better for you really soon!

  28. I needed all this encouragement myself today – thanks!
    hope things calm down at work for you soon!

    1. Thank-you! ๐Ÿ™‚ It definitely has been stressful, but slowly but surely it’s getting better.

  29. Just what I needed today. I hope your week gets a little better Cara! Thinking of you xo

  30. My thoughts and hugs are with you. Bad week here, we lost my grandma this week but I always try to find the good in every day and the fact that the sun is going to shine when we bury her tomorrow gives me comfort.

    1. Aw, bless your heart Andrea. I’m so sorry for your loss! Praying for comfort for you and your family, and I appreciate your kind words as well.

  31. Ugh I’m sorry that work has been a rough go of it lately. I hope that the Interim person helps lighten the load a bit! Loving the inspiration today!
    You should link this up with Jessi and I!

    1. Thank-you! It has gotten much easier since the Interim has came on board, thankfully. & I will ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank-you! That one resonated with me the most too! It can be challenging to focus on living in the present, but it’s the best thing for being content.

  32. Love these! I’m such a sucker for quotes ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d seen the peacock meme this week and screen shotted it because it’s such a great reminder!

    Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

  33. Hope things get better at work for you. I try to find 10 good things everyday to be thankful for. Love your says.

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