3 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day

This post on 3 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day has been sponsored by PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own. 

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness.

3 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day

Happy Wednesday, lovely ladies! I’m so glad that so many of you found Monday’s post on Why You’re Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea helpful and I’m incredibly humbled by all the sweet comments and messages I received. Learning to let go of the need to be anything but yourself is incredibly freeing, and finding your tribe of those who love you unconditionally is worth its weight in gold.

In continuing our conversation of self-love, today I’ve teamed up with PRIMP and Pamprin to talk about the power of positivity in our daily lives. Furthermore, I want to talk about why I’m a firm believer in positive affirmations and I’m sharing 3 positive affirmations you should tell yourself every day!

  • Check out the full benefits of Pamprin Multi-Symptom over here

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness.

The Power of Positivity

I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes being a positive person isn’t always the easiest. With so much negativity in the world around us it can be all too easy to get wrapped up in it, and before we know it we find ourselves in a mood funk.

But here’s the thing- we control our own happiness and sometimes all it takes is a little mind-shift to change your entire mood and outlook on your day.

I’ve always really liked the quote, “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” Sure, some days can be tough, but there’s always something to be thankful for and it’s about learning to focus on the positive aspects of each and every day.

Just think about that for a second. Even on your worst days- there’s so many good things worth noting. For starters- if you were able to wake up, get out of bed, and eat breakfast before heading to work, those are all things to be thankful for!

Positive thinking not only encourages better health and well-being but it also helps you find clarity in focusing on what’s really important, and even helps those around you to become more positive too! I know I’m personally always inspired to be happier and more positive when others around me are, and focusing on gratefulness is a great place to start.

Read next: Learning to Celebrate Life’s Tiny Victories

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness.

21 Days of Positivity Challenge

One of the goals I set for myself at the beginning of this year was to be more fearless and to stop letting fear and self-doubt get in the way of me going after my dreams. So when PRIMP and Pamprin recently asked me to take part in a 21 Days of Positivity Challenge, I jumped at the opportunity!

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness.

This challenge encourages healthy habits and promotes well-being through cycles of positive thinking. Even better, it only takes three weeks to form a habit, and who out there wouldn’t want to make being more positive a priority?

I challenge you to join me for 21 Days of Positivity and to make self-care and positivity a priority in your life!

Day 1.  Start today with 3 positive affirmations- Attach your list to your mirror. Read them aloud every day. Add to the list every day.

Day 2.  Find positive company- Who are the stars in your social circle? Who builds you up? Stick with the stars and become one.

Day 3.  Make a list of things for which you’re grateful- An attitude of gratitude is a sure fire way to attract positive vibes.

Day 4.  Give yourself and others an “atta girl (or boy)”- When you give encouraging words, you also receive them.

Day 5.  Seek, and you will find- We are responsible for choosing our perception. Look for the good and your’e 100% guaranteed to find it.

Day 6.  Find what brings you joy- And order it up every single day. Unlike fleeting pleasure, joy is consistent. We cultivate it internally.

Day 7.  Stop to smell the roses- Give one away- Be present minded enough to give and receive life’s simple gifts.

Day 8.  Hit “replay” and make it a habit- Positive thinking begets positive action. Positive action (over and over) creates positively powerful results.

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness.

One of my favorite parts of this challenge so far has been developing the habit of starting my day with positive self-affirmations. I’ve always been a huge believer in speaking things into existence and you can find tons of inspirational quotes and notes all around my office and home as reminders of staying positive.

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness.

Below I’ve shared three of my favorite daily self-affirmations that I hope you’ll find helpful in gaining a positive outlook.

3 Positive Self Affirmations to Motivate Yourself Daily

  1. Today is a NEW day- Despite what happened yesterday each and every day brings new opportunity to begin anew. Remind yourself that today is a new day full of unlimited potential and charge full speed ahead in going after your daily goals.
  2. I am capable, strong, and important- Rid your mind of negative phrases such as “I can’t”, “I won’t”, or “I’m not” and instead focus on your incredible strengths. You ARE capable, you ARE strong, and you ARE important. Knowing these three things will help you tackle any obstacle that comes your way with strength and grace.
  3. I project love and kindness to others- Showing love and compassion towards others isn’t always easy, especially when you’re frustrated or tired, but how good does it make you feel when others show love and kindness to you? When overwhelmed, remind yourself of the golden rule and shift your focus back to how you would feel if the roles were reversed. Spread love, show kindness, and happiness will suddenly exude both in you and others.

Although there are several other self-affirmations I tell myself, these three are my favorite because they all focus on showing and giving grace, which I think is truly needed in this life. Even on my worst days, these self-affirmations remind me that it’s never too late to start over and the importance of loving myself no matter what.

Related: Learning to Show Yourself Grace

Of course part of loving myself means focusing on self-care, which is why I’m a huge fan of Pamprin. As girls we all know what a bummer that time of the month can sometimes be, but Pamprin has been my go-to product since I was a teenager in helping alleviate even the roughest symptoms.

With the same fighting strength as Extra Strength Tylenol, Pamprin Multi-Symptom treats all menstrual symptoms including pain and cramps, and contains active ingredients to help reduce bloating and irritability. Plus, I can’t help but love Pamprin’s #PamprinPositive mission in encouraging self-care and positivity.

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness.

Check out Pamprin Multi-Symptom over here at Walmart and join me on my 21 Days of Positivity Challenge. Let’s kick negativity to the curb and change the world one positive thought at a time! ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope you enjoyed today’s post on 3 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day with Pamprin, and I’d love to know what tips and tricks you use in staying positive in your daily life. If you’re a fan of self-affirmations, let me know in the comments what your favorite one is!

Thanks for stopping by! – Cara

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3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness. #ad #BePositivePamprin #PowerPrimper

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness. #ad #BePositivePamprin #PowerPrimper

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness. #ad #BePositivePamprin #PowerPrimper

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness. #ad #BePositivePamprin #PowerPrimper

3 Positive Affirmations to Tell Yourself Every Day- Today I'm sharing 3 Positive Affirmations for women that help motivate, promote self-esteem, and encourage positivity and happiness. #ad #BePositivePamprin #PowerPrimper


  1. Pingback: Affirmation Email – New Manifestation Magic
  2. I am a huge believer in the power of positivity and positive thinking. Love the idea of starting each day with affirmations. I used to do that a lot but have gotten out of the habit.

    1. Glad to hear positive affirmations are so helpful to you. I’ve been a huge fan of them in my life lately.

  3. I love focusing on positive affirmations! It is not easy to get started sometimes, but you always feel better afterwards.

    1. I agree, Erin! A lot of us will do positive affirmations for the big stuff like job interviews and auditions etc., but forget about doing them on a regular day. I think it’s just as important to instill those daily reminders that we’ve got this and we have the power to do anything we set out to achieve that day. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Absolutely. If I start my day off grumbling about how “I’m so tired” that mentality seeps over into my entire day. Learning to reframe our negatives into a positive is something I’ve really tried to be more proactive about in my day-to-day.

  4. Love this! Iโ€™m a huge believer in positive affirmations – words can be so powerful. I make sure to tell myself every morning that Iโ€™m worth it, no matter the situation or context that might arise that day to bring that affirmation into question. Yours of today is a new day is one of the best to follow – we really do hold the key to happiness in our own hands.

    1. I completely agree! My Mom and Dad actually taught me this when I Was younger that our words have the power to either build us up or tear us down and ultimately it’s up to us to decide which one we’re gonna choose. It’s something I’m really trying to instill in my kids too. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Saturday, friend!

  5. Absolutely loved this post, and your affirmations! I’m trying to inject them more into my daily life… it’s not as easy as it sounds!

    1. Thank-you! I’ve honestly found hanging them up on the mirror in my bathroom/vanity to be super helpful in almost forcing myself to say them. It’s amazing how much it really does help shift your mentality into a more positive realm.

  6. I love how positive you are! I use affirmations everyday and have even gotten my oldest son into them. They help to keep us positive and motivated.

    1. Thank-you! That’s amazing that you are already teaching your son to use them. It’s great for self-confidence! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Projecting love and kindness to all…lovelovelove that. SO important, especially in this day and age!

  8. I needed this, thank you!
    With the winter during spring weather we had lately, I feel very demotivated and drained of energy and have literally 0 positivity left.

    1. So glad you found it helpful! The good news is spring weather is just around the corner! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. This was perfect! I really needed to hear that! Love your challenge and all three of your affirmations! Think I will print them and put them on my mirror as a reminder every morning! I had a patient once tell me “Everyday you wake up is a blessing, just think you get to live another day, so many people don’t get that chance, so don’t waste it!”

    1. Thank-you so much! And aw that almost makes me want to cry what your patient said, but it’s SO true. Anytime I find myself grumbling about my “horrible day” I always try to remind myself that there’s always someone out there who’s having a worse day and that usually helps re-frame my mindset.

  10. Love this post! It was a great reminder to always be positive even if it’s just one tiny thing out of a day!

  11. I think a positivity challenge is such a wonderful idea! I’d love to create my own one day to share with everyone. Over the last few years I have become a much more happier and positive person, and I have a completely different mindset now. Teaching yourself to focus on the positives can have such a huge impact on your life, and whilst it can be difficult at times, it’s certainly worth it. I hope you enjoy this challenge!

    1. That’d be awesome for you to create your own! It’s definitely been helpful for me to be more mindful of staying positive! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. These are such amazing reminders. I love #1 so much–each day IS a new day. No matter what happened the day before, a new day gives me a new opportunity to start things over and make it an amazing day. I also love Pamprin–a must have for me during “that time”.

    1. Thanks Kristen! I always start out with that affirmation first because I think it’s so powerful! Knowing that we have control over our day is so important in staying positive. And I can’t live without Pamprin! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I need to cling to #2 to most currently – that really spoke to me. Also, really love Pamprin – such a must-have for that time of the month.

    1. Thanks Summer! It’s such a great affirmation to tell ourselves. And of course- Pamprin is a life saver! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank-you! There’s always something to be thankful for and a reason to stay positive. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank-you! That’s one of my favorite ones to tell myself. Such a great reminder for all of us!

    1. Thanks! I consider myself a realist in most situations, but I try to spin something negative into a positive. Instead of saying “Ugh it’s raining again today”, I try to think on the bright side and will remind myself that it’s the perfect opportunity to catch up on reading or my favorite TV show. Learning to re-frame my thoughts has helped a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. I love your positive outlook Cara! I also love the idea of finding things to be thankful for everyday! Once you start to look at the little things in life as being important, it really changes your perspective on life. I try to find something everyday that I should feel lucky for having and it has started to make me see how blessed I am. I’ve also been trying to set a goal to compliment someone everyday because I think its important for people to hear how great they are! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Channing! And that’s wonderful. Spreading kindness is always something I’m on board with! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. I am generally positive person. After reading your post, I found new reminder to add to my list. Thanks!

  16. So glad I started my day reading this positive post! I so agree about affirmations setting the tone for your day. Love this!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I swear by affirmations and they always help put me in the right mentality to tackle whatever lies ahead.

  17. Pressing reset after a bad day and remembering bad things donโ€™t last forever is wonderful. Love this message friend!

    1. Yes- I love that! I even sometimes remind myself mid-day that I have the power to re-charge and change the way my day is going. Even if it was a bad morning, my afternoon doesn’t have to be bad. So glad you enjoyed it!

  18. this could not have come at a better time for me- i def need to do these affirmations to help me remember ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Love this! These are great reminders, especially #2! Although remembering itโ€™s a new day is also important!

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