February Beauty Favorites

February Favorites Kindly Unspoken

It’s Friday! So excited the weekend is here and I get to enjoy some days off from work with the family. I plan to get outside a little bit if the weather isn’t too horrible. Looking ahead to next week’s forecast it’s supposed to be in the upper 60’s and maybe even 70’s, so I’m super stoked for that! ๐Ÿ™‚

Today I’m sharing with you my 5 beauty favorites for the month of February. Enjoy!

Rimmel BB Cream

Rimmel BB Cream 9-in-1 Skin Perfecting Makeup $5.99, Wal-mart

I bought this BB Cream to have a light-weight every day foundation and was literally floored when I started wearing it. Not only is it one of the creamiest foundations that you’ll put on your skin, but it also gives a flawless medium coverage finish that’s so pretty.

It has literally been my go-to foundation and another plus is that it contains SPF 25 sunscreen, so it’s a great protectant for the skin. I highly, highly recommend this BB Cream!

Wet n Wild Mega glo Contouring Palette

Wet n’ Wild MegaGlo Contouring Palette $4.99, Drugstores

Out of all of the drugstore contouring palettes that have been released here lately, this one is my favorite. In terms of color, it looks the most natural on the skin, and has great blendability.

While I do love this kit (I purchased the Dulche De Leche, the lighter of the two kits) and have been using it frequently here lately, I will point out that the highlighter doesn’t show up really well on my skin tone, and actually comes off as more of just a light powder. Just something to keep in mind if you are on the pale side like me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wet n Wild Mega Glo Contouring Palette

Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub

Tree Hut Shea Sugar Brazilian Nut Body Scrub $6.48, Wal-Mart

This sugar scrub is amazing in getting those legs nice and smooth and ready for wearing dresses and skirts in the warmer months. I use this product with a scrubbing mitt after shaving my legs, and it makes my legs smooth as buttah!

Also, the smell of this is heavenly! Even my boys are always like “Mommy can we smell it, please?” ๐Ÿ™‚ Tree Hut also sells several other amazing body scrubs, so I definitely recommend giving this product a try  if you’re in the market for a body scrub!

Nature Well Coconut Oil

Nature Well Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Moisturizing Cream $8.99, Sam’s Club

I stumbled upon this product a few months ago at Sam’s Club and for the size/amount of product you are getting, I thought it was such a great deal.

Coconut Oil has so many amazing uses and I really prefer using this as a moisturizer for my skin during the winter months as it helps truly lock moisture in the skin. Also, I can never get enough of the smell of fresh coconut oil!

NYC Lip Laquer Coney Island Pink

NYC New York Color Expert Last Lip Laquer, Coney Island Candy $3.54, Wal-Mart

Last but not least, is this beautiful lip gloss by NYC. I own several NYC lipsticks and lip crayons, and was anxious to give this new product a try when I saw it in the store.

I definitely have not been disappointed with it and let me just say, the color is so pretty once applied to the lips! I think it’s the perfect pink shade for spring and would look great with all skin tones! It also has long-wear staying power, which is nice when you don’t want to have to do multiple applications throughout the day.

NYC Lip Laquer, Coney Island Candy

Music Favorites of the Month: 


**photo credit

As I’ve mentioned before, music/singing is pretty much an obsession of mine, and as part of my monthly favorites, I thought I’d share my favorite songs throughout the month. There are so many new songs out right now and here’s just a few that I can’t stop listening to at the moment!

  • Ellie Goulding- Army– I absolutely love Ellie’s voice and this is such a sweet song that can definitely be related to a strong relationship/friendship. It’s currently on repeat!
  • Dan+Shay- From the Ground Up– You guys already know how much I love Dan+Shay, and this has to be the sweetest song ever. It reminds me so much of my grandparents who were married for close to 60 years before my grandma passed away and they had that kind of love for each other that everyone strives for.
  • Cam- Mayday– From the moment I heard the song Burning House I knew I would love any music of Cam’s. This song also doesn’t disappoint and is oh so catchy!
  • JoJo-Save My Soul– All of JoJo’s songs were my jam back in high school and without a doubt this girl has some pipes on her. This song centers around individuals who struggle with addiction and is such a powerful song with words that I think many can relate to.
  • Carrie Underwood-Heartbeat– I love that this song is a little different from the songs that Carrie normally releases. It has more of a pop sound to it, which I’m actually loving. Also, she looks absolutely beautiful in the video!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!- Cara

Linking up on Family Fun Friday, Flaunt it Friday, Pretty Pintastic Party, That Friday Blog Hop, Dare to Share Saturday, Saturday Sparks, and No Rules Weekend Blog Party


  1. Pingback: My Current Daily Makeup Routine | Kindly Unspoken
  2. I’m definitely going to check out that scrub! We are going on vacation later this month and I need to get my legs ready for shorts!

    1. It’s a great scrub, and smells amazing! They have a lot of other options as well if you like more fruity scents. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. The BB Cream is great, and has great coverage! I couldn’t go a day without singing, and that’s awesome that you love it as well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Love these! I absolutely adore Coconut Oil! I use it to remove my eye make up and it takes it off so easily! Thanks for sharing this!

  4. I have been on the hunt for a good, reasonably-priced contour set! The one I have now isn’t as natural looking as I would like. I’ll have to try this one out! Happy weekend!

    1. It’s a great, inexpensive option and is very natural looking! Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. The scrub and moisturizer look really interesting! I’ll have to check it out! Coconut oil is one of my favorite moisturizers.

    Karin | truncationblog.com

    1. They both work great in helping the skin get soft and smooth and ready for spring! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Rimmel is seriously my favorite BB cream!!! I have been wearing the Matte one for about a year now and for the price you cant go wrong!!! On Sundays I skip foundation and just wear the BB cream to give my face a break. Love that gloss color, so pretty!!! I will have to check out that scrub.

    1. Rimmel is my favorite drugstore brand for foundations and face products. The quality really can’t be beat. Have a good weekend!

  7. i love coconut oil for my skin. i bake with it and after i scoop out what i need, i can’t waste anything so i smear the rest of it on my face LOL

  8. I love using coconut oil as a moisturizer! I just talked about it in my february favorites to use for a hair mask. Lovely post!

    1. Awesome! I still haven’t tried it for a hair mask, but I’m sure it does an amazing job and I’ll have to give that a try! Thank-you!

  9. OH MY GOD. I need that coconut oil moisturizer in my life. I’m a huge fan of coconut oil and the size of that tub is ridiculous, what an amazing deal! Also need to check out that BB cream. Great post Cara, I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family! XO -Kim

    1. Thanks Kim! I’ve been using the coconut oil every day for about 3 months now and it looks like I haven’t even phased it yet. Great investment! Have a great weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Yes! Heartbeat is an amazing song, I really like it a lot. #someday ๐Ÿ™‚

    That foundation looks great and I have been looking for one lately. I haven’t worn anything in that area for a long time because I would break out but I don’t really break out anymore and could use some flaw coverage.

    1. I thought it was going to be very light coverage, but it has amazing medium coverage and it seems to really match my skin tone well. I think you’ll really like it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I was sure if the Wet n Wild duo was worth it but I think I’ll pick it up soon, the darker one because I’m medium skin tone. Did you try the highlighting one from Wet n Wild too? Had no idea NYC came out with lip lacquer and that shade is super pretty! Good to know it’s long lasting, I hate reapplying my lipstick throughout the day.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I have not tried the highlighting one, but it’s probably next on my list of products to try, as I do have a few of their blushes/bronzers which I really like. Have a good weekend!

  12. So the wet & wild contour palette looks amazing! I recently picked up some of their matte lipsticks. I can’t wait to try them. I love tree hut products! I have not used the sugar scrub though. I will have to look into that. That lip color is so pretty. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Their matte lipsticks are great, you’ll really like them! Thanks, hope you have a good weekend as well!

  13. That sugar scrub looks like it would be great. I appreciate you trying these out so I’m not wasting time or money.

  14. What a pretty pink! And I so need that scrub in my life, to be looking for that this weekend! Speaking of weekend I hope yours is as glorious and beautiful as you are!

  15. Love that lip color! I just picked up Revlon Matte Balm in Showy and love it! It’s similar in color.

  16. I love seeing your beauty favs because I always trust your opinion on make-up. You have great taste! Happy weekend to you and your sweet family.

  17. This is a great collection of beauty items for spring! I love the shade of your lip gloss – if I could pull off that color I’d be wearing it all season long. And I’m really interested in the Rimmel BBCream you’ve suggested – that’s something I’d like to try. Thank you for sharing items in your personal makeup bag!

  18. I’m so glad I clicked through to your blog! I’ve been needing a foundation creme with spf and had no idea where to start ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!

  19. I’ve been contemplating about purchasing that scrub the last few times I’ve been in Ulta! I’m so happy I stumbled on this post because now I think I’ll go out to get it! Great post, Cara!

    1. It’s my favorite scrub, and it smells so good! I didn’t know they had them at Ulta, but that’s awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. some great picks this month! i just talked about that palette last week. i’ve started using the lighter shade as a setting powder.

  21. I just got a lip color close to that, but mine is Revlon. I love that there are all these contouring palettes in drugs stores now…So after my
    $45 contouring palette from Sephora is done I know what I’ll be using.

  22. Cam was just on campus and sooo great! I love your list of music! I’m going to make it my getting ready playlist for next week! ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Happy Friday Woot Woot !!! I am living all your picks especially the pink lipstick so ready for spring !!!

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