Life Lately in Photos – Summer 2019

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos – Summer 2019! Check out what we’ve been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Life Lately in Photos – Summer 2019

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend and have been having an awesome Summer! I kind of fell of the wagon with doing regular life/family updates, because honestly I’ve been trying to just live more in the moment this year, which has meant more quality time and less photos. (Read: Why I’m Doing Less This Year)

That being said, you all seem to really enjoy when I share a bit more into my everyday life so I’m going to do my best to start sharing more posts like these regularly.

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Life Lately in Photos – Summer 2019

Summertime in the blogging world is always a little slower, so I intentionally chose to be more present with my family while the kids were on summer break and we had a blast!

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

The boys enjoyed lots of days playing on their waterslide out back and we loved doing science experiments and making things together like homemade slime.

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Aside from that we went on our Family’s First Florida Beach Vacation to Seagrove Beach FL and had such an incredible time! Highly highly recommend the area if you’re looking for a beach in Florida.

We also made several trips to Virginia throughout the Summer to visit family and made a trip to Bristol Caverns while we were in. The boys loved exploring the cave and it was amazing to see how much it had changed since we had last visited as kids.

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

One of my favorite things I did with my boys this Summer was watch all the Marvel superhero movies together. My mom created a chronological list for us to go by and then one by one we went down the list. My boys are HUGE Avengers fans (Spiderman is their favorite) so it was a lot of fun watching them together. We even made it through the list just in time to see Avengers End Game before it left theaters, and followed it up with Spiderman Homecoming.

Of course my boys have been begging me to buy them End Game since it came out on DVD, so this past weekend my husband and I surprised them to a fun little scavenger hunt after school, with a movie night package full of goodies (including End Game).

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Summer break unfortunately came to an end a couple weeks ago and my sweet babies started 2nd and 4th grade. I seriously can’t even fathom how they are already in those grades, but I’m so proud of them and know they’ll have an awesome year ahead!

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.

Although I totally miss them when they’re in school, one perk is every other Friday my husband is off work which means we can get fun little day dates in together. This past week we went out for lunch before picking the boys up from school and it was so nice getting to hang out just the two of us.

We tried out a new Mexican place (which was SO good) and afterwards wasted time looking around in Sam’s Club (like any reasonable adult would lol).

Catch up with me and my family in my latest post on Life Lately in Photos - Summer 2019! Check out what we've been up to this summer with lots of photos.


Watching – I’ve been watching SO many great shows lately. I highly recommend The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu), Four Weddings and a Funeral (Hulu), Imposters (Netflix), and Sinner (Netflix). The Handmaid’s Tale and Sinner can be a bit heavy at times but they’re the kind of shows that make you think. Imposters is also a great suspenseful series with a little bit of comedy thrown in, while Four Weddings and a Funeral is very cute and a bit more light-hearted.

Planning – A Fall anniversary trip to Boston with my husband. This fall will mark 13 years that my husband and I have been together (13 years dating, 10 years marriage) and we’ve yet to take a trip anywhere by ourselves.

Boston has always been on our bucket list, so we’re making arrangements with the grandparents and heading there for a weekend to of course see the New England Patriots and sightsee a bit. Let me know if you have any suggestions on what to see/do!

Obsessed With – Everything leopard I can get my hands on. This leopard skirt, this leopard shirt, and this bodycon leopard dress are all recent purchases that I’ve been loving and can’t wait to wear into the fall season.

Excited For – FALL! I know everyone always gets all up in arms when people start talking about the next season before the one we’re in is over, but Fall is my absolute favorite season and the miserable hot summer months in Georgia just makes me long for it even more.

I personally can’t wait for Halloween. I’m already thinking of fun makeup and costume looks I can do this year and my boys and I are already planning a movie marathon and spooky treats we can make together. (Check out this list of the Best Halloween Movies for Kids and Family for ideas.)

Hope you enjoyed today’s Summer update on Life Lately. Now it’s your turn! What have you been up to this Summer?

Thanks for stopping by! – Cara


  1. Sounds like you guys have been having a fun summer! My nephew has that blowup pool slide and Zoe wanted to go down the slide when we were over there. Scared the crap out of me to watch her climb up! I couldn’t believe she made it to the top all on her own with her tiny little legs! I know my nephew has so much fun on it! Day dates are the absolute best!! Chris and I got to go on two of them this summer, and we need to make them a regular thing. I am excited that animal print is big this year, because leopard has always been a staple print in my wardrobe. Leopard and stripes are really the only two prints I wear besides a little floral for work type shirts.

    1. Haha I know right? I actually climbed up there and slid down once but quickly realized that the hitting the hard ground part is not fun so that’ll be a hard pass for me again lol. Hope you all can get some more day dates in too!

  2. 2nd & 4th grade… hope its a great school year for them both!
    & so glad you all got to enjoy a fun break for summer!!!
    Love you did all the Marvel movies. Heck, my hubby would want me to do that with him too – boys are boys forever ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much! And haha that’s so true! I highly recommend a marvel movie marathon- it was a lot of fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I love the waterslide for the boys, looks SO fun. I shrieked when I read you’re going to Boston, that’s where we spent our anniversary a few years ago and I would go every month if we could. I LOVE it, you will have so much fun. I have a few posts on the blog about some cool places to check out and tips. And of course, Biana has a lot of info on her blog! Have so much fun!

    1. It was one of our best purchases ever! They’ve been loving it. And I’ll have to check those posts out for sure- I’m getting so excited! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank-you – they absolutely loved it and it was fun for me to put together! And yes I’m so excited for a little bit cooler weather and of course all the Fall festivities. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Love the pictures and love you and Rob and the little buddies. Can’t wait until we can all get together again and do some fun things together.

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