Moving Forward- A Huge Life Announcement

moving forward-huge life announcement

Moving Forward- A Huge Life Announcement

Happy Monday Everyone! I know the suspense has probably been driving everyone crazy, and I certainly have had a difficult time keeping it secret for the past few months, but I’m excited to finally be able to share our family’s big news!- We’re moving!

A couple months ago my husband started the interview process for a new job, and I’m happy to report that he has officially accepted a federal police officer position in Georgia and we’ll be moving at the first part of September. I’m so, so proud of him!

When I think about the last five years or so, I can’t help but reminisce on all of the incredible milestones we’ve been through. From watching our beautiful babies grow into sweet boys and buying our first home in Virginia, to landing my first real job after college, getting my Master’s Degree, starting a blog, and attempting to balance it all, it’s been one incredible journey.

Both my husband and I have been blessed to have great jobs here in Virginia and a wonderful support system with our families nearby. But sometimes situations change and before you know it you find yourself in a place that doesn’t feel quite right anymore.

You no longer wake up with that excitement and passion that you used to have towards something and as a result, you start to lose sight of your dreams a little bit more and more every day.

You keep asking yourself the question “What if..” and wondering what might actually happen if you took a chance and grabbed ahold of the opportunity in front of you instead of pushing your feelings to the side. To let go of all the reasons you can’t and just go for it.

And so after talking about it for months now and finally coming to the realization that we were ready for a change, here we are. Instead of letting doubt and fear scare us away from taking a chance, we’re ready to try something new and move forward with our lives. We want the absolute best for our boys and we honestly feel that this is the right decision for our family right now.

Of course I’m sad to be leaving the area that I’ve practically lived at my whole life, and I’m sad that the boys won’t get to see their grandparents every day. But if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that we don’t get anywhere in life without risk.

And I’m a firm believer that we make the time for those we love, and just because we can’t see each other in person every day doesn’t mean that we can’t talk on the phone, skype, and plan fun gatherings year round that’ll make the time apart all the more worth it.

Don't waste life quote

So what does all this mean for me and my job? Well, that’s the other exciting part of the news. Since my husband has landed such an amazing job, I’m going to cease this opportunity for what it’s worth and do something that most people would call crazy. After much deliberation, I’m going to pursue blogging and influencer marketing full-time.

Although I’ve only been blogging for a year and half now, I’ve been doing it long enough to know that it’s something I’m truly passionate about. I get so excited when I get to create blog posts that my readers can relate to and work with brands on fun projects. I love writing and sharing beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips and it makes my day when one of my encouragement posts helps someone out there in need of something uplifting. And with a marketing background it’s something that I can honestly see myself doing for a long time, and what’s really better than being your own boss?

As I mentioned above, I’m done with being in a position where I’m doing something that I don’t love and it’s time I do something that I both enjoy and that I’m good at. I love marketing and bottom line, I’m actually pretty darn good at it.

I’m one of those people who will talk herself out of something before I’ve even tried, but not this time. When you keep finding yourself go back to the same dream in your head day in and day out, then it’s got to be something worth pursuing in my book.

No more hiding behind a desk doing something that I wasn’t meant to do and feeling like I can’t change things just because I need the paycheck. No more watching others out there live out their dreams and feeling like I can’t live out mine too. If not now, then when?

I’m so excited to see what’s in store for our family and couldn’t be more excited to finally pursue something that I love full-time. I know not everyone out there agrees with the idea of blogging full-time and probably thinks I’m crazy. And that’s okay. At the end of the day even if it all crashes and burns, at least I can say that I gave it my best shot.  At least I can look back on my life and say that I did everything I could to pursue my dreams.

I hope that you’ll join me along this journey and know that I love each and every one of you and I’m so thankful for all of your support. We’re excited as we move forward in our journey and I can’t wait to see what’s next for us.

As always, thanks for stopping by!- Cara


  1. Pingback: When Life Throws You a Curveball - Kindly Unspoken
  2. OH my goodness, how did I completely miss this?! Congrats! So excited for you and the things to come!

  3. Congrats to your husband!! What an exciting adventure for your family!! Cheers to you both in chasing your own dreams together!

  4. OMG this is so exciting Cara! I’m so happy for you and this decision! Really going for the things you love = actually living a full life! Can’t wait to hear more about your moving adventures and blogging full time!

    – Claudia

    1. Thanks Claudia! I’m getting so excited for it! Just a few more weeks of balancing all the craziness lol

  5. Congratulations to you both in terms of your jobs, but also welcome to Georgia! We moved here about 3 years ago from Wisconsin and would be more than happy to chat with you about the area and culture. I did the very same thing when we moved – my husband had a great opportunity and it gave ME the opportunity to pursue blogging FT as well ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m in the north ATL suburbs – please feel free to reach out!

  6. YAAAS CARA!!! I am so proud of you for taking the leap full time – you have such a fabulous blog, and you deserve it. And congrats to your hubby, too! So much goodness awaits in GA…!!!

    Coming Up Roses

    1. Thanks so much Erica. I really appreciate your well wishes and support! Excited to see what’s next! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. That is all so amazing! Congratulations to your husband for finding such an amazing opportunity and that is wonderful you can now devote your time to doing something you love full time!

  8. Wow that is so amazing congrats! I hear Georgia is beautiful! If I could move from MA I GA would definitely be one place I would consider. That is also so great that you are able to try out blogging full time! That would be a dream of mine so I am so happy you get to do this. Best of luck with your move!

    1. Thank-you! It’s a beautiful area with lots of nearby vacay spots, so that will be super nice! And that’s my thing about it- with the opportunity here, I couldn’t pass it up. Hope you’re able to pursue it one day too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. CONGRATS. We may be moving at the end of the year, so I totally get that. Change can be such a good thing though!

  10. Congratulations! That is exciting news. Moving away from family is hard, but you really learn to rely on one another. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Congrats!!! That is so exciting! I wish you all the best on your journey to Georgia and the career change for you!!! What area are you moving to??? Out of all the states I lived, I lived in Georgia the longest!!! And I am not too far away over here in Birmingham ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thank-you! We’re going to be in Leesburg (which is part of the Albany metro). And I know! I’m so excited to be nearby so many blogger friends now! We’ll have to set up a lunch/shopping date one day!

  12. How amazing! Congratulations on the major life change and I hope you enjoy your new home in Georgia!

  13. Congrats on the big move (in all senses of the phrase)! What an exciting time in your life. Can’t wait to continue following your journey ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Come on girl! I’m in Atlanta. Can’t wait to have you and the fam in my state! Congratulations to you and your husband. So excited for y’all!

  15. Hooray!!!! I’m so happy for good news for you guys. You are so right about taking risks and doing what’s best for you and makes you guys happy – that’s hugely important. Good for you!!!! I’m excited to follow along on this new adventure and as always I love following along with your blog.

  16. Welcome to the south, girl…you’re never going to want to leave!! Also, congrats to you both for pursuing what makes you happy and passionate. So excited to continue to follow you through it all and grab some inspiration along the way for myself!

    1. Thanks Erika! I’m really excited to start pursuing what I love full-time! Thanks for your love and support! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Congratulations on your husband’s new job & best of luck with moving! Also, I’m so happy you’ll be able to pursue blogging full time! It’s always a wonderful feeling being able to go after your passions.

  18. Ahhh so exciting, CONGRATS! You guys will love living in the south, and the boys will get so much more fun playtime outdoors year round. Can’t wait to hear more about the big move, and wishing you all a smooth transition <3
    Green Fashionista

    1. Thanks so much! May just have to make a visit to your neck of the woods in FL one day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Lived in both Georgia and Virginia. Get ready for the HEAT (and if you’re anywhere near Atlanta – the TRAFFIC!). Best wishes!

    1. Thanks! We’re two hours south from Atlanta, so thankfully won’t have to deal with all that traffic haha. The heat on the other hand..well there’s AC for that haha.

  20. If not now, when, indeed.

    Really exciting plans for you, your husband, and family! Best wishes through it all.

  21. How exciting!!! I have always wanted to move somewhere I have never lived before but I am just a homebody – I have lived in the same city since I was 3. Good luck with everything!!!

  22. SO exciting! I had a feeling you would be going full time! You will do amazing things. Congrats on your husband’s new job as well!

  23. OH MY GOSHHHHHHH! What a huge announcement! Congratulations to you and your family, Cara! AND CONGRATS ON PURSUING YOUR DREAMS!!! What an exciting time. I can’t wait to follow your journey!!!! XOXOXO oh my gosh I’m just so excited for you!!

    1. Thanks so much Chelsea! You don’t know how much I appreciate the well wishes and support. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Huge Congratulations to you both! How exciting and adventurous. Wishing your whole family the best as you move and go through this change ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. That’s awesome!! I’m not that far from Georgia! Let me know if you want to collab on blog pictures!

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