2021 Life Update – Blogging, Moving, Looking Ahead

Sharing a 2021 Life Update! Check out the post for all the details on what’s been going on for me and my blog, our family’s move, and things I’m looking forward to. 

2021 Life Update – Blogging, Moving, Looking Ahead

Hey Everyone! It’s been awhile since we’ve chatted about everyday life on the blog so I thought it was time I share a bit more into what’s been going on in my world over the last few months.

I took a little “vacation” off the blog last week, as my boys were off for Spring Break and my family came in for a visit over Easter weekend.

It was nice seeing my parents and enjoying some fun and downtime with the boys, but to be honest it wasn’t much of a vacation because I spent most of the time spring cleaning, organizing, purging, de-cluttering, and getting started on packing up boxes in my garage for when we move.

Aside from the fact I would have much rather been lounging on a tropical vacation, I am glad that I was able to get so much accomplished off my never-ending to-do list around the house and my house has NEVER been as clean or as organized as it is right now.

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Moving Update

In case you missed our family’s announcement last December, our big news was that we would be moving to Kentucky in late Spring 2021.

I really would love to be telling you that we found our dream home and are moving soon but unfortunately that’s not the case.

It’s now mid-April and we honestly don’t know when the boys and I will be moving.

The housing market is just now starting to pick up, but the nationwide housing shortage is making it difficult to

  • a. find a home
  • b. buy a home within budget without going into bidding wars with 20 other buyers

It’s been incredibly stressful and disheartening to say the least, and even though buying a home is a top priority, above all I really just want our family to be back together again.

We’ve now been apart for nearly half a year and it’s been HARD on the whole family.



As I always tend to do in times of stress, I’ve been keeping extra busy lately with working and doing things around the house.

On the blogging front, I’ve really been focused on creating new blog posts, updating/re-vamping old posts, and posting consistently on my YouTube channels.

I’m so excited that both of my channels have been growing this year and Cara’s Recipes just officially reached over 100 subscribers and my Beauty Channel is just 2 subs away from 100!

I know that might seem small to some people, but I’ve put a lot of time, work, and energy into creating videos the past few months so it’s nice to see that my hard work is paying off.

If you haven’t yet subscribed to either of them, I’d love for you to subscribe below!


Mental Health + Looking Ahead

As a private person, I always struggle with opening up, but I’ve learned over the past few years that whenever I open up about things I’m struggling with, it helps others realize they’re not alone.

Anxiety, depression, and feelings of complete overwhelm are all things I’ve struggled with for the past year and especially over the last couple months.

I unfortunately always get struck with the winter blues and being stuck at home for over a year, and now being stuck at home minus my husband hasn’t been the easiest.

It’s also been hard to deal with so many things that are simply beyond my control, and all I can do is just wait.

I’ve always tried to keep my blog and social media channels a pretty positive place for the most part, but I felt it was important that I let you in on the fact I have been struggling.

I have great days, I have so-so days, and I have days where I don’t even want to do anything at all. And that’s okay.

Just like one of my favorite quotes says, “Be patient with yourself, nothing blooms all year long”.

Right now I’m trying my hardest to just rely on my faith, focus on gratitude, and to do more of what brings me joy and less of what doesn’t.

Lately that’s meant a lot less social media (specifically Instagram), mindlessly checking my phone throughout the day, and over-working myself to the point of being burnt out.

Instead I’ve been reading my bible and the amazing “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip” book every night before bed, jamming out to my favorite playlists, and setting app limits on my phone. I’ve also been giving myself grace and learning to take breaks and time off whenever I’m not in the right mindset.

These simple daily changes have been working wonders on lessening my anxiety and helping me stay focused on what’s really important.

I’ve also been pampering myself with little things that make me happy like these amazing bubble baths each night before bed, these amazing at home gel nail strips when I want my nails to look pretty, and baking these yummy banana cookies whenever I want something sweet but healthy.

If you’ve been struggling lately with any of these things, I highly encourage you to re-evaluate how you are currently spending your time and look for areas in your daily routine that might be causing more stress than good.

I’ll be sharing more posts on mental health very soon on the blog so stay tuned.


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Things to Celebrate

Aside from the fact life has been stressful lately and our family is still states apart from one another, there’s ALWAYS something worth celebrating and things to be thankful for.

Things I’m currently celebrating:

  • My husband completed all his training and is officially a Federal Lieutenant. I’m SO proud of him!
  • Both boys have rocked virtual learning this year and consistently made Honor Roll despite all the difficulties of at-home learning
  • Our house is fully deep-cleaned, organized, and ready to SELL when the time comes
  • The most gorgeous, sunny weather has been making for fun days outside with the kiddos
  • Spring berries are making me excited for lots of fun baking days ahead!
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Thanks for reading today’s 2021 Life Update!

Even though life hasn’t been going the exact way I wanted it to go this year, I’m learning to trust in God’s timing and know that it will all work out exactly as it should.

How has your 2021 been going so far? Let me know in the comments below!


Thanks for stopping by! – Cara


  1. Oh wow, I canโ€™t imagine how hard it just be to be apart for so long! Hang in there, youโ€™re reunited soon.
    Just subbed to your beauty channel, I didnโ€™t realize you had one. Istarted a channel this year too!

    1. Thank you! I’ll get through it, but it’s definitely been a tough season for sure. And appreciate you subscribing! I’ll check yours out and subscribe back! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Sending you lots of hugs and best wishes, friend! I can only imagine how challenging of a time this has been for you and your family being away from your husband. Hopefully this is just a season of life that will pass before you know it, but in the meantime it sounds like you’re doing the best you can for yourself and your boys! I think it’s great that you’ve been taking time away from social media – I’ve been trying to do the same, and it’s amazing what that does for our mental health.


    1. Thanks so much, Karly! Definitely trying to make the most of the situation and focusing on how great it will be once we’re all back together again. And yes to less social media! I hope you and your sweet family are doing well!

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