Life After Whole30 – 6 Month Update/Results
Check out my 6 Month Update of Life After Whole30 with my before/after Whole30 results, current diet/fitness routine, and the biggest lessons I’ve learned from doing Whole30.
Life After Whole30 – 6 Month Update/Results
Hey everyone! Today I’m excited to share a Whole30 update with you and talk about what life has been like for me after completing my first Whole30.
It’s officially been over 6 months and today I wanted to provide an update on my health/fitness journey and share what my diet and fitness routine looks like these days.
I also wanted to share an updated before/after results and talk about whether or not I would still recommend Whole30 to others.
Before diving in, make sure you read my original post over here where I talk about my First Whole30 Experience and provide some helpful tips to those considering doing a Whole30 cycle.
Life After Whole30
Reintroducing Foods
I talked a bit more about this in my post over here, but the reintroduction phase after Whole30 was definitely tough for a few weeks after completion.
I ended up getting sick once I started reintroducing certain foods into my diet, and it was really eye opening to be able to gain a better understanding of what foods are great for my body and what foods aren’t.
Learning what works vs. what doesn’t work
In the process I learned that legumes such as beans, soy, peas, and peanut oil are not my friends and I try to really limit those in my diet.
For the first little bit, I wouldn’t even eat peanut butter, because I was so scared it would make me sick but after trying it discovered it thankfully doesn’t bother me.
(Yay for being able to eat peanut butter desserts every now and then!)
I also learned that I have a slight intolerance to wheat, and I can’t eat huge amounts of chocolate or raw, highly acidic foods such as tomatoes/peppers.
Instead, I try to limit eating those foods to avoid the negative side effects, and for tomatoes and peppers I have to cook them.
It’s things like this that make me so thankful that I did Whole30, because without it I would have never known that eating too much chocolate is what causes me to have headaches, or that eating a lot of wheat gives me a stomach ache.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are what you eat, and in so many instances the way you are feeling physically has a lot to do with the foods you are eating.
What My Diet/Nutrition Currently Looks Like
I’m happy to report that I’ve maintained an 85/15 clean eating diet over the last 6 months and I don’t foresee that changing anytime soon.
I’ve found what works best for my body and that’s eating mostly clean with an occasional indulgence when I get a craving for something.
When I first decided to do Whole30 I didn’t want it to just be a “diet” that I did for a month and then go right back to my old ways.
Reading the amazing book It Starts With Food was truly so eye opening for me and I seriously recommend it to everyone I know.
In addition to cleaning up my diet, I also added this amazing daily probiotic to my routine.
It’s been amazing at helping improve my female health, immunity, and has even helped me get better sleep at night.
Check out my full review over here.
Whole30 isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle
Instead of doing Whole30 and going back to old habits, I made a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, eating better, and figuring out what foods are best for me.
My diet consists primarily of home cooked meals with lots of fresh veggies, healthy meats, and little to no processed foods.
Do I still eat things like pizza, cheeseburgers, cake, and ice cream?
Absolutely. But it’s not all the time and definitely not every day.
In fact, my family and I have only ate from a restaurant twice in the last 6 months and both times it was still healthier choices.
I’m very proud of this, as our family used to eat fast food at least once a week before Whole30.
Foods I’ve Eliminated/Try to Avoid
I’m also very proud of all the unhealthy foods/drinks I’ve eliminated from my diet.
Soda and sugary drinks, Poptarts, Doritos, processed meats like bologna/hot dogs, and snack cakes all used to be things I would eat/drink regularly, and I have not consumed any of that for over 6 months now.
Never in a million years did I think I would be able to have the willpower/mindset to give up all those foods/drinks that I was sadly addicted to for most of my life, but I did.
And even better, I have stuck with it for so long now that it’s officially became a habit and I have zero desire to turn back now.
For me, this process has taught me that what we put into our body needs to serve a purpose, and if it literally has no nutritional value at all, then it’s not really doing our body much good.
Is my diet perfect? No.
But I’m learning to find a good balance which is the key to anything you do in life. If it’s truly important to you and you’re committed to change and growth, then you’ll maintain it.
Check Out My Fave Whole30 Recipes:
- Sausage and Egg Breakfast Casserole
- Make-Ahead Sausage & Egg Muffins
- Oven Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken Thighs
- Instant Pot Hamburger Soup
- Sweet Potato Chicken Poppers
What My Fitness Routine Looks Like
I always get asked about my fitness routine and it’s pretty much been the same for the last decade.
I work out 5 days a week (M-F) and give myself rest days on the weekend.
I workout as soon as I wake up in the mornings before doing anything else and that really helps energize me for my day.
As far as the actual workouts go, I alternate between 20-40 minute at-home workouts from my favorite fitness YouTube channels.
This includes Fitness Blender, PopSugar Fitness, MadFit, and Pamela Reif – all of which are completely FREE.
My favorite kind of workouts are full-body strength-training and cardio routines, HIIT routines, and kickboxing calorie burners.
When doing weight training workouts, I alternate between using these 5 lb and 8 lb weights, and usually will alternate days where I will do a 5-10 minute supplemental workout that focuses on a specific body part such as abs, legs, or arms.
For booty and leg days, I absolutely LOVE these booty bands for better toning.
I’ve also mentioned this before on the blog, but in addition to doing daily workouts, I love getting outside with the family and bouncing on the trampoline, riding our bikes, or hiking trails in our local park.
These are my favorite type of workouts because they’re fun and the whole family is involved.
My After Whole30 Results
I’ll be honest and admit that after I completed Whole30 I was SO scared that once I re-introduced regular foods back into my diet that I would immediately gain all the weight back and all my hard work would go to waste.
But that didn’t happen and 6 months later I’m so proud of my results.
After finishing My First Whole30 in January I lost 7.2 pounds and 4.75 inches, and over the last 6 months I lost an additional 1.5 pounds and 3 inches, for a combined total weight loss of 8.7 pounds and 7.75 inches lost since December 2019.
Looking back on old photos I can really see a difference in myself and I’m so happy with the healthier person I’ve became in the past 6 months.
I mean, I recently shared a Swimsuit Haul over here if that says anything.
Years ago, I would have never felt confident enough doing that, but I’m really happy with what all I’ve accomplished and proud of my body.
Here’s another before/after comparison of photos that were taken about 1 year apart.
Biggest Lessons Learned After Whole30
1. Diet > Exercise. I used to think that working out like crazy would counterbalance my not-so-good diet, and that was literally the biggest lie I ever told myself.
Don’t get me wrong, working out is awesome and is definitely important, but your diet is what plays the biggest role in achieving your weight loss goals.
As I mentioned above, my fitness routine hasn’t changed at all over the last 6 months, but my diet has, and the combination of the two is what has helped me lose weight and inches after not being able to achieve my goals for YEARS.
If you’re currently at a standstill in your weight-loss goals, I highly recommend evaluating your diet, because 9 times out of 10 that’s what is holding you back.
2. Cravings are HUMAN and it’s okay to embrace them. On the opposite end of the spectrum, cravings are completely normal and just because you give into them doesn’t make you a failure.
It’s completely normal to crave certain foods and this year I’ve learned it’s best to either give into the craving and enjoy it, or to give myself a healthier version of the food I’m craving.
In doing these things I’ve found a way to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle and that’s always been my goal from the beginning.
2. It’s SO important to celebrate non-scale victories. Too often we as humans focus in on the number on a scale or the size of our clothes, and those aren’t nearly as important as how you FEEL.
Before Whole30 I was tired ALL the time. I never had energy to do anything, frequently sick, and I just didn’t feel good about myself.
After Whole30 I have a TON more energy, know exactly what foods I should put into my body to fuel it best, and I feel more confident than ever.
3. It’s all about balance + commitment. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I eat healthy 100% of the time because that would be a big fat lie.
You guys know I love baking desserts and Pizza/Mexican food is my favorite.
But instead of falling into the unhealthy deprivation/binge, yo-yo diet train that I’ve been on my whole life, I now eat healthy most of the time and allow myself to have food freedom when I’m craving something I want.
Why? Because I’m committed to being the best version of myself for my health and well-being, and balance plays a big part in that.
At the end of the day I’m SO happy with how Whole30 has changed my life and I can’t recommend it enough!
Be sure and check out my First Whole30 Experience Here for full details on the program and helpful tips for getting started.
Hope you enjoyed reading today’s 6 Month Update Post on Life After Whole30. Have you ever considered completing Whole30? Do you have any questions about the process that I didn’t cover in today’s post? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for stopping by! – Cara
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You are looking amazing, friend!! I really appreciated the things I learned about food and how the effect my body in the several rounds of whole 30 I have done. It is so important to go into something like that knowing it might not be attainable long term, but that many of the things you learn are a lifestyle change you want to incorporate and have balance with. 85/15 is ideal and what I try to do too!
Thank you so much! Yes- exactly. It’s never meant to be a Whole365, but rather a lifestyle change and commitment to choosing the best foods for you. You look great too, friend and should be so proud of all you’ve accomplished!
Congrats girlie!!! That’s an amazing accomplishment and I’m so glad you’ve figured out what works and doesn’t work for you. (I’m in the middle of a strict anti-inflammation diet and I’m curious to know how the re-introduction phase will go… if this ever starts working, lol.) You look awesome and your workouts have definitely paid off in your definition! Your arms, in particular, look amazing!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that comment because arms have always been my trouble zone. And good luck with all the re-introductions – it’s always such an eye opener for discovering what’s good and what’s not good for you. Hope you are doing well, friend! ๐
You look great, Cara! It’s great that you’ve found something that works for you and so interesting that you’re able to pinpoint specific foods now that don’t sit well with you. Most importantly, you look and feel happy and healthy – that’s what matters most!
Thank you so much Karly! Being happy and healthy was always my goal so I’m definitely glad I made a commitment to this. Hope you are doing amazing, friend!
You look great, happy, and healthy! I definitely think I have issues with wheat as well, but I’m honestly too chicken to attempt to change my diet. I know that’s silly. I do weight loss yoga 5 days a week to help me maintain my weight since I work a desk job lol
xoxo Amanda |
Thank-you so much, Amanda! You could always try limiting it for a week or two and then adding it back to see if it bothers you. And that’s great that you do yoga! It’s such a stress reliever!