Life Lately- Family, Blogging, & Favorites

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Hey Ya’ll! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve shared a life update post, so today’s post is all about what’s been going on in my world lately, full of fun photos.

I always enjoy sharing these life lately posts with you all because being a mother to my two sweet boys is the best job in the world, and it’s nice to let you into the fun behind-the-scenes.

Life Lately- Family, Blogging, & Favorites

Movie nights are always my favorite (Someone is having trouble staying awake, though) ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Not gonna lie January started out a little rough with everyone in my family being sick with the stomach flu, then the flu, then again with sinus infections. But we all prevailed nevertheless, and we are all thankfully feeling much better now. If there’s a lesson to be learned, it’s a. don’t leave the house from December to March without a mask on and b. bubble baths like this one are heaven sent.

On the home front, it’s been nice to just relax in our new home this winter and really make it our own space. We’re pretty much all settled in, although I still haven’t finished putting up wall decorations in all the rooms. I personally like taking my time in decorating spaces and making sure I really love something before I put it up on the wall, so to me this isn’t really a big deal. (Do others do this?)

Brady doesn’t like photos (lol) 

I’ll also be doing an office reveal in a post on here soon, which I think you all are going to love. I’ve been wanting to have a dedicated office space for years and I’m so excited that I’ve been able to decorate it the exact way I wanted.

On the other end of the spectrum, we still haven’t sold our home in Virginia. This of course has been super stressful, as paying double mortgages is never any fun. The area we’re trying to sell our home in is a really distressed economy, so finding a specific buyer in the price range we’re selling in is very difficult.

The pressure is definitely high right now for us to get it sold, but all we can do is continue to hope and pray that it sells soon and that we can move forward with our lives. I know this isn’t exactly rainbows and sunshine news, but it’s #reallife and I always like being honest with you.

In way better news, my youngest cutie pie turned 6 years old last month! (I know, I’m still in total shock too) Him and his brother are both huge spongebob squarepants fans right now, so of course I had to make him one of my homemade cakes. I’m no professional, but I always enjoy making cakes for my boys for their birthdays.

Needless to say, I think he loved it!

Lately, I’ve really been trying to make more time to play with my kids and it’s been such a blast. They’re both at such fun ages and they have the best imaginations. Blanket forts, building towers, and hide-and-seek are their current favorite activities. ๐Ÿ™‚

Just look at their friend “Bear” who they dressed up. ๐Ÿ™‚ 


This is from Creative Color Day last week during Dr. Seuss week.

Of course, I can’t not show you my new hair! After having the flu it was time to treat myself to blonde balayage and I absolutely love how it turned out!

Earrings c/o Sugarfix by Baublebar- Shop Here

Last but not least, on the blogging front, I’ve been working my tail off this year so far on growing my readership and creating great content. As I mentioned in this post last year, one of my goals has been to really narrow in my blog’s focus, and in doing so I’ve found my blog to continually grow.

I’ve also introduced three new series on the blog lately including an Ask Cara Beauty Series, All About Blogging Series, and a How To Save Series.

And now onto some of my beauty and fashion favorites lately!

Catch Up On My Recent Posts

In case you’ve missed some of my most recent posts, I’m sharing them below! Also, just a heads up- Bloglovin is currently having serious issues with not showing mine and others’ blog posts until almost a day later from the time it’s posted. I’ve reached out to them regarding this and they weren’t helpful at all in resolving it. If you’ve been missing my posts, the best way to keep up is to subscribe to my newsletter here. ๐Ÿ™‚

You don’t want to miss these…


Hope you all have a great week ahead! Tomorrow is mine and my husband’s 9th anniversary- which is unbelievable! Time truly flies you all. ๐Ÿ™‚

Let me know what you’ve been up to in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by!-Cara


  1. I will be praying that your home in VA sells soon girl! I have been there and know how stressful paying double mortgage is. Your boys are the cutest!!! And I absolutely love how your hair turned out! XO

    1. Thanks so much- I really appreciate that. You’re always so sweet with your comments! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I am definitely one who takes a long time decorating our home and waiting til I find something I really love. There are still rooms in our current house that aren’t finished and we are talking about moving soon haha. Just to start all over again! I hope that you guys find a buyer for your old home soon, I know that is such a stressful time.

    1. Thank-you! Glad to hear I’m not the only one. Honestly, we’re not sure if we’ll be here forever and I guess I’ve moved so many times I like taking my time with it. I was smart this time and used command strips too so there won’t be any nail holes to fill in lol.

  3. Can’t wait to see your office! Great job on the cake and good luck with selling your house. I’m sure you will have the perfect buyers pop up out of the blue. I hope you guys had a great anniversary <3

    1. Thank-you! Your positivity is inspiring! I’m trying to stay positive because moping about it doesn’t help anything lol. Fingers crossed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. How cute are your boys?!? They are seriously absolutely adorable. And that Spongebob cake! How fun! I’m obsessed with your hair. It looks amazing! I use the same shampoo – the Whole Blends one, and I love it!!

    1. Thanks Tiffany! Isn’t that shampoo amazing? It adds such a pretty shimmer to your hair. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hoping your house sells soon!

    I like the hair. I don’t know if I’d go for the bayalage, but I love the curl. Is that a wand?

    1. Thank-you! It was my first time having it done and I’m a fan of it so far. I like the benefit of only having to get it done 1-2 times a year compared to regular highlights every 3 months. And yes, I use the Beachwaver pro curling iron. It is a little pricier than others but I bought it 3 years ago and it’s still going strong. It’s the one that automatically curls your hair at the touch of the button and it’s awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I love your life updates and pictures of your sweet kiddos! I’m so sorry y’all were all sick in January, but your hair looks AH-MAZING!

  7. Youโ€™re doing so good girl and WOW, You look good in red, and leopard, and hats, ok everything!!

  8. Great Blog! Love you guys and love the pictures of you and the little boys. We have non stop being praying for your house to sell and will continue too and share your house and show it off as much as possible. Love you guys. and so proud of what you have done and accomplished.

  9. Have you guys thought of renting out your place in Virginia? I know you werenโ€™t looking for advice and am sure the logistics will be tough, but thatโ€™s what we plan to do when we move! Those shoes are fantastic! Glad your family is feeling better, and happy early Anniversary!

    1. Yes, we have. We’re hoping to sell it by May time zone but if not, then we’re going to look at renting it out. Renting can sometimes be a pain but you gotta do what you gotta do. And thank-you so much!

    1. Thank-you so much! Fingers crossed. I’m hoping now that the weather is warming up we’ll have better luck. Virginia winters are sometimes rough.

  10. Your boys are the cutest! Aaaaand, Iโ€™m pretty sure you are a professional cake baker/decorator. That cake is insane – send me your skills! So glad that youโ€™re feeling better and that things (overall) are well by you. Love these types of posts!

  11. Glad to hear youโ€™re settled in to the new place and everyone is finally feeling better! And LOVE your new hair, so pretty girl!

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